
Learning about Product Management from India

[Originally posted on desiprodmgr blog in Dec 2012]
You can self learn about product management in a variety of ways. However, if you are working as a product manager, then I strongly recommend that you check out the information provided by one organization, Pragmatic Marketing.
Pragmatic Marketingprovides useful information, course material and training on product management, product marketing and other related subjects, for several years now. They run multiple seminars and workshops. And they also have samples and templates of various documents (MRDs, PRDs) that a Product Manager is expected to create in his work.

Unfortunately, even after so many years, I have yet to see their courses in India.

If you are a PM in India and do not have the opportunity or budget to attend their training programs, you should still imbibe the Pragmatic Marketing Framework. This is a very useful shortcut that summarizes the various activities and initiatives that the product team undertakes during the product lifecycle.
In later posts, I will also explain more about the relevance of the PM framework to a PM in India. I will introduce more links and articles that a PM should go through, for self-learning and competency development. These will also include other popular frameworks and methodologies, books on product management and other related topics.

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